Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Be Nice

So ya know when you pass someone in the hallway or grocery store isle or on the sidewalk, and eye contact sparks the standard, white bread conversation between strangers or acquantices?

How are you?
Good, and you?
I like your shirt!
Thanks, see ya around!

And that's just the default thing to do and say.
What if every time we said "hi" to someone, we were just honest, without thinking about it, and told them how we really were.

How are you?
Well, I just got done sobbing my eyes out in the bathroom, my boyfriend of 6 months just dumped me, and I'm failing 3 classes. I'm a mess. And you?
Eh, got beat up on the way to school, they took my car keys, and I have to run the mile today. Sockless. Could be worse.
I guess.
See ya around.

Sure, that was refreshing, but WOW, that was awkward!

The point I was originally going to make, was that your best bet is to be nice to everyone. I'm not getting all, HAPPY PEACE LOVE LAUGH YAY, but srsly. You don't know what's going on in anyone's life but your's. You don't know if the girl you sit next to in 3rd period has a sick parent, or a dead parent, or no parents. Or if your science partner has cancer, or depression, or is homeless. Just some examples. Because to some of us, those are pretty far off scenarios, but unfortunately, they're real. People go through a lot of shit, and not one of them deserves it. Don't be a tool and pile on more.

Moral of the story: BE NICE. Sometimes it will get you places.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

~Plato, Greek author &  philosopher

Wow I look crazed. -_- And I'm missing teeth. Haha, but cool shirt, no?
Happy Wednesday.

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