Monday, May 30, 2011


Maybe I should even out the raves and rants?

1. Raining with the sun out


2. Drag Me to Hell

Yes, the main character is a beast, the acting is genuine for the most part and the idea of hell excites us all. But personally, I found the effects all very excessive, to the point of being obnoxious. It was as if the writers said, "Well... We can make a pretty legit bloody nose, why don't we make it emit throughout the whole office?" Yeah, fun scene.
The main character was unfazed by half the things that happened to her. Old lady's arm being shoved down her throat, being insulted by a talking goat, and being pinned by a corpse.
I dunno, it just kinda sucked.

3. Being woken at inconvenient times
My family looooooooooves to do this to me.
Can I at least have time to wipe the drool off my face and become aware that I have a nap hangover?
Sorry I'm not this eager about my day.

4. Birds vocalizing. Early.
Oh, you guys are so pretty. Your singing, nature's music...

Not at 3AM :(

5. Malfunctional Trampoline

Maybe we'll get around to putting it back together, but probably not.

Hey, 2nd week of summer. Accomplishments? None.
I really wanna write a book.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Six-Word Memoirs

I've kind of been super into "six-word memoirs" lately. In the last weeks of school I discovered this book in the library, fell in love, then was informed it was too close to the end of the year to check out books. I'm dumb.

Yesterday I checked out the original six-word memoir book from the public library and fell in love all over again.

The fact that people are telling entire stories within just half a dozen words is amazing, and pretty inspiring.
I'm a little bit obsessed now. I got my brothers into it too, and the majority of last night's dinner was conversed using six word statements. I bet our parents hated that.
Of course I had to write some of my own. In actual seriousness though, not: "Pass the tartar sauce, just kidding." or "Bad social skills. Maybe just hygiene."

There's a website for all this junk. You can read other people's memoirs, and submit your own.
I like this type of writing because of how minimal it is. You've got only a handful of words to tell a whole story. You've got a limit but the possibilities don't end. There's plenty of freedom in it. It also makes you contemplate the meaning, and maybe even debate. I think English teachers should bring this book into classrooms. One of my favorite from the book I've read so far is "Made a mess. Cleaned it up." - Amy Anderson. It seems so cinched, maybe even silly, and I suppose that could be the voice Amy Anderson was trying to portray, but dig in! How symbolic this could be! I'll let you do the thinking.

I've written a few of my own but this is the one I like best. I'll probably share more later.

Always tomorrow. And tomorrow's tomorrow too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cleavage and Summer

Yeah for some reason, my blog popped up as a subject at the dinner table today. The word "buttcrack" got repeated excessively. (I really should have given more thought to the same. I just brought amounts of ridiculous teasing unto myself. Of course my family pokes fun the most.)

Dad: What was it a choice between? Wednesday Butt Crack and Thursday Cleavage?"
Brother: WHAT'S A CLEAVAGE!!!??!!?!?!?!!11

Haha, cool, Dad. We'll let you take this one. The dinner table is such an interesting place.
On a more casual note, summer started. I'm sad to let school go. I'll miss peeling my unconscious body out of my heaven-of-a-bed before 6AM, hauling a boulder on my back everywhere I go, and pretending like nacho cheese on rubber-y rubber cylinders is food.

I don't really feel like talking anymore. Have a nice summer and stuff.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yearbooks and stuff

So tomorrow is the last day of school I guess. In a matter of hours I will be considered a, *gulp*, sophomore. Oh, such a dirty word. I guess I have 9/10 of summer to get used to the idea though.
Like 6 people signed my yearbook.
I don't really like yearbook signing. I mean, I like feeling like a celebrity, swirling my name onto glossy paper and adding my awkward message to go with...
And some people just suck at the messages.
There's a few kind of yearbook signers:

1. Strictly name
Seriously? o.O Why don't I just trace over that with White-Out, it'd be so much more meaningful to me.
And sometimes they like to be the tool who, after they write it, puts the cap back on their pen, turns to you, dramatically closes their eyes and says,
"That will be worth a lot of money one day."
Oh, okay. I'll laminate it or something when I get home.

2. Name + summer wish
It's even worse when they shorten "have a good summer" to "hags".
Talk about unattractive words!

3. Inside joke + nickname

4. Irrelevant scribbles
Makes you wanna say,
"Why did I even ask you to sign..."

5. Cute, heartfelt, page long message that make you cry, laugh, and miss the person already
I'm too tired to make up a Harry Potter example for that right now, but you know one of those messages when you see one.

Well, everyone, have a nice summer.
Make your yearbook signs tasteful and fun to read...

And I hate those crap-awful, stupid, &%$#@, automatic flushing toilets. I won't be missing those over the summer.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Celebrity Crushes

We've all got some celebrity crushes.

Seth Meyers

He's attractive and comical. What more do you want?

Rupert Grint

(Numerous random, useless facts I know about Rupert, la la la)
British accent, talented, ginger, a Weasley... Let's get married?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Hahahahahahaha. <3

Logan Henderson

You may know him as Logan Mitchell from Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush, most handsome guy on the show(not Kendall, mind you!), and... Yeah he's just my favorite.

(Gay for a day pick)
Mia Wasikowska

She's Australian, classy and adorable. The whole package, baby.


1. How Stoked People Get When It Rains
Everyone gets so excited when it rains. Mostly girls. And especially where we live. They think this is what happens.
That's cute. Yay, running around barefoot with a rainbow umbrella and jumping in puddles.
That happens like once during the summer. If you did that now right now(it's raining) you'd just get a runny nose and a stubbed toe and ringworm. Oh.

2. "Rape" Used As Weird, Disturbing Slang
First of all, yuck.
Use another word! Rock, boss, champ... go crazy and use "kill"!
Second of all, rape isn't a casual word to use just anytime. It's not for talking about your science grade or your performance in a soccer game. It's actually a very serious matter, as opposed to some stupid highschooler's beliefs.
What if someone really did get raped last night, then heard you say that, and was like,

3. Happy Hangovers
Not hangovers that are happy, but hangovers because of happiness. Ya know?

4. Coloring In Highschool
Sue me, but it's not very educational.
Don't get me wrong, I loooooove to color! But I learned nothing from this. You could have easily showed me the same picture in the textbook.

And we got a grade for this.

5. The Jerks You Tear Off The Side Of Pieces Of Paper

Enjoy your day and stuff.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

How come it took me 15 years being here, just being a menacing misfit, to realize this?
Every mother is a hero! All mothers deserve to be a queen!
How many years ago, did our mother's advance us out into the world as a sad, ugly wreck from her you-know-what, and only because she was a mother, decided she wanted us. She eyed us with love, the object that will only give her more hell and trouble than she ever thought could be, but she accepts the challenge because she's strong and she's a mom and... That's what moms do!
Kids... Are we even worth it? I guess we're only something a mother can appreciate. I think only a mother can forgive our greatest faults. And still love us for us!
We are always in debt to our mother's. And all the handprints in stone and gold jewelry and flowers and  brunches in the world will ever equal her love.
Ugh, I can't even explain how amazed and thankful and grateful I am of everything mine and every other mother has done and did for her children.

I guess I'll just let Rugrats say the rest.
Happy Mother's day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Be Nice

So ya know when you pass someone in the hallway or grocery store isle or on the sidewalk, and eye contact sparks the standard, white bread conversation between strangers or acquantices?

How are you?
Good, and you?
I like your shirt!
Thanks, see ya around!

And that's just the default thing to do and say.
What if every time we said "hi" to someone, we were just honest, without thinking about it, and told them how we really were.

How are you?
Well, I just got done sobbing my eyes out in the bathroom, my boyfriend of 6 months just dumped me, and I'm failing 3 classes. I'm a mess. And you?
Eh, got beat up on the way to school, they took my car keys, and I have to run the mile today. Sockless. Could be worse.
I guess.
See ya around.

Sure, that was refreshing, but WOW, that was awkward!

The point I was originally going to make, was that your best bet is to be nice to everyone. I'm not getting all, HAPPY PEACE LOVE LAUGH YAY, but srsly. You don't know what's going on in anyone's life but your's. You don't know if the girl you sit next to in 3rd period has a sick parent, or a dead parent, or no parents. Or if your science partner has cancer, or depression, or is homeless. Just some examples. Because to some of us, those are pretty far off scenarios, but unfortunately, they're real. People go through a lot of shit, and not one of them deserves it. Don't be a tool and pile on more.

Moral of the story: BE NICE. Sometimes it will get you places.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

~Plato, Greek author &  philosopher

Wow I look crazed. -_- And I'm missing teeth. Haha, but cool shirt, no?
Happy Wednesday.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today I was told I only blog about things I don't like, which is pretty true, so here's the exact opposite.

1. Sharpened Pencils
Sharp enough to draw blood.

Haha what? Who said that?
A few days ago I was writing and my pencil kept getting dull and I was like,
Hahaha, Taylor, meet the mechanical pencil.

2. Daisies

They're a flower that's always smiling.
A boy got me some daisies once. That was nice of him.

3. Scruff

Rob Pat always has it down pretty good.

4. My Midget Thumbs

Haterz gonna hate, but you know they're the cutest thing in the world.
And don't make fun, the tips were cut off when I was a baby!
Loljk they're just "special".

5. Little Kids

They get away with anything.

So um, see ya later and stuff.