Thursday, April 28, 2011
I never know what to talk about.
So I just complain.
1. Snack Food Untraditionally Shaped
It was unexpected and it tasted different in my mouth.
2. Dry Hands
I try to always keep a bottle of lotion with me, but crap happens, and that 7% of the time I don't have it, I become very disoriented. It's just downright disgusting to have itchy slabs of sandpaper attached to the end of your arms anyways.
3. Being Woken Up From A Nice Nap By Some Punk Screaming Shakespeare
Not cool.
4. Belt Buckle Bulge
You all know what I'm talking about.
& being obscenely skinny doesn't ever help this situation
5. Wind Hair
It's like sex hair but really not as sexy.
Sorry I'm off schedule.
Enjoy your day. :)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Things I (Kind of) Learned My Freshman Year
24 days until summer. 24 days until three months of freedom. Until I get forced to go to Water World every other week, and the smell of sunscreen is the only thing that gets me to go. Until I have to babysit my very capable little brothers at the stupid neighborhood pool for hours. Until I eat a lot, a lot of Otter Pops. Until I find myself ironically missing snow, and school, and people.
Almost 1/4 through with high school. This is emotional. I feel unaccomplished. But hey, I have 3 more years to do something, right?
Things I (kind of) learned in my freshman year:
1. This, unfortunately, will not happen.

Screw you, Disney Channel.
Jk I love Zack & Cody.
2. To heck with perfection.
No one is flawless, and you'll have no luck trying to be. You'll just have to find people to accept you for the scrawny, awkward, garbage punk you are. Or, ya know, outgoing, attractive, model-citizen you are...
Basically, as cliche as it sounds, BE YOURSELF and it will get you somewhere.
3. Being single is fine.
In fact, it's probably the best way to go. Your money doesn't go as fast, you don't have to worry about your breath, and c'mon, look at how happy this guy is:
4. Stay organized.
Putting tab dividers in your binders and cleaning out your backpack every once in a while will pay off.
Please make sure your locker never looks like this:
I might cry.
5. There's going to be a class where the teacher's butt is always in your face, you can barely maintain a C average and you sit next to a smelly boy who asks you if those are real diamond earrings. No, they're not. Well, he can get you real diamond earrings.
You're just gonna have to solider through it.
ENJOY HIGH SCHOOL, I hear it goes by fast. It's four years you won't be able to make up.
¡Jaja, y yo tengo mucho morado en mi pelo!
Wow I don't think I said that right...
Almost 1/4 through with high school. This is emotional. I feel unaccomplished. But hey, I have 3 more years to do something, right?
Things I (kind of) learned in my freshman year:
1. This, unfortunately, will not happen.

Screw you, Disney Channel.
Jk I love Zack & Cody.
2. To heck with perfection.
No one is flawless, and you'll have no luck trying to be. You'll just have to find people to accept you for the scrawny, awkward, garbage punk you are. Or, ya know, outgoing, attractive, model-citizen you are...
Basically, as cliche as it sounds, BE YOURSELF and it will get you somewhere.
3. Being single is fine.
In fact, it's probably the best way to go. Your money doesn't go as fast, you don't have to worry about your breath, and c'mon, look at how happy this guy is:
4. Stay organized.
Putting tab dividers in your binders and cleaning out your backpack every once in a while will pay off.
Please make sure your locker never looks like this:
I might cry.
5. There's going to be a class where the teacher's butt is always in your face, you can barely maintain a C average and you sit next to a smelly boy who asks you if those are real diamond earrings. No, they're not. Well, he can get you real diamond earrings.
You're just gonna have to solider through it.
ENJOY HIGH SCHOOL, I hear it goes by fast. It's four years you won't be able to make up.
¡Jaja, y yo tengo mucho morado en mi pelo!
Wow I don't think I said that right...
Easter and Sorry
To all my avid readers: sorry I didn't post yesterday. I don't really have a legit excuse. You probably didn't even notice though so w00t.
I never know what to talk about. I need a theme.
You guys can e-mail me at and tell me what you want me to blog about. That'd be good.
Happy Easter I guess. What does that even mean though? Personally, I couldn't care less about the religious aspect. I won't get into it because someone's going to want to beat me up, but it's just not my thing.
Also, as much as a lot of us would like to deny it, a big part of American holidays is the commercial crap. Yeah they all have their nice, sentimental, Jesus-y, happy stories, but there's much more and we all know it.
Easter is waking up to oodles of rainbow plastic eggs tucked around the house. Opening them and exposing sugar bomb candies and pieces of chocolate shaped like bunnies. Rabbits don't even lay eggs. Then boiling dozens of real eggs, taking a white crayon and writing silly thing on them then dipping them in magic water to stain them your favorite color. Lunch is roast beef and mashed potatoes and dinner is leftovers and you snack on your chocolate bunny all day. That's just all money. It's fun though. But I'd be so fine if none of that happened.
Basically I'm fine with every day just being a day.
I never know what to talk about. I need a theme.
You guys can e-mail me at and tell me what you want me to blog about. That'd be good.
Happy Easter I guess. What does that even mean though? Personally, I couldn't care less about the religious aspect. I won't get into it because someone's going to want to beat me up, but it's just not my thing.
Also, as much as a lot of us would like to deny it, a big part of American holidays is the commercial crap. Yeah they all have their nice, sentimental, Jesus-y, happy stories, but there's much more and we all know it.
Easter is waking up to oodles of rainbow plastic eggs tucked around the house. Opening them and exposing sugar bomb candies and pieces of chocolate shaped like bunnies. Rabbits don't even lay eggs. Then boiling dozens of real eggs, taking a white crayon and writing silly thing on them then dipping them in magic water to stain them your favorite color. Lunch is roast beef and mashed potatoes and dinner is leftovers and you snack on your chocolate bunny all day. That's just all money. It's fun though. But I'd be so fine if none of that happened.
Basically I'm fine with every day just being a day.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Are Mondays shaping out to be rant days?
Probably not.
Enjoy :D
1. Leggings As Pants
If I wanted to see your legs in this detail I would probably have asked you to take your pants off. You guys can do that on your own time though. Thanks.
Probably not.
Enjoy :D
1. Leggings As Pants
If I wanted to see your legs in this detail I would probably have asked you to take your pants off. You guys can do that on your own time though. Thanks.
2. Slow Walkers
Your jog is my walk. Your walk is my legless crawl. I have places to be and I know you do too. You're on the cover of my favorite childhood book.
3. Watching People Eat Each Other's Faces
Apparently, it's a way to express affection.
But you enjoy that?
4. Optimists
5. People Can Can't Rip Paper Worth Zip
Thanks for taking half my babysitting flyer home with you.
That's probably how I'm going to censor everything from now on.
P.S. Zoewiener sucks eggs.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Nice Weekend
The weather has been really nice lately and it's kind of been throwing me off because earlier in the week it happened to snow overnight and after I walked just 4 blocks to the bus stop it looked like my a whale decided to use my legs as lollipops. (Weird comparison... But my feet were just really wet!)
Anyways, the weather has been really nice lately! Today I spared my parents and took my stupid dog to this huge field just outside the neighborhood, and let her off her leash so she can giddy-gallop around like the high-on-life puppy she is. Letting her run around, tiring herself out for 15 minutes is equivalent to a 30 minute walk(the kind of walk where the dog leads and the owner gets road rash and a broken arm). It's fabulous.
To the point, while she chased birds and dug holes, I laid on the pokey ground and it was, let me tell you, bliss bliss bliss. Only half of the grass is nice spring green so that makes the other half of it nasty winter litter which poked my bare face, feet, arms, but in the most sincere way. The sun and the ocean switched roles, I got waves of rays! I thought I would look like I just came back from Mexico when I got home but that's probably just because it was so warm.
If you ever want to get "closer to nature" just lay down outside(not the street though, please). I did and in an instant I was a worker ant and stole birdseed from front lawns. I was a blue black glossy beetle scampering over rocks, a sinister spider knitting handsome graves in the fingers of bushes.
I looked up and my dog was on point at a robin. I watched as she stalked, 5 minutes at least. I maliciously, silently prayed to all the gods of spite and adventure and eventfulness that the bird would cluelessly turn around so my dog could pounce. Probably 5 more minutes passed though, and I lost the evil-impluse, so I called her over, put her back on the leash and we went back home.
This weekend has been/will be fun. I'm going to a poetry reading tomorrow.
I think Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are good blog days for me.
Anyways, the weather has been really nice lately! Today I spared my parents and took my stupid dog to this huge field just outside the neighborhood, and let her off her leash so she can giddy-gallop around like the high-on-life puppy she is. Letting her run around, tiring herself out for 15 minutes is equivalent to a 30 minute walk(the kind of walk where the dog leads and the owner gets road rash and a broken arm). It's fabulous.
To the point, while she chased birds and dug holes, I laid on the pokey ground and it was, let me tell you, bliss bliss bliss. Only half of the grass is nice spring green so that makes the other half of it nasty winter litter which poked my bare face, feet, arms, but in the most sincere way. The sun and the ocean switched roles, I got waves of rays! I thought I would look like I just came back from Mexico when I got home but that's probably just because it was so warm.
If you ever want to get "closer to nature" just lay down outside(not the street though, please). I did and in an instant I was a worker ant and stole birdseed from front lawns. I was a blue black glossy beetle scampering over rocks, a sinister spider knitting handsome graves in the fingers of bushes.
I looked up and my dog was on point at a robin. I watched as she stalked, 5 minutes at least. I maliciously, silently prayed to all the gods of spite and adventure and eventfulness that the bird would cluelessly turn around so my dog could pounce. Probably 5 more minutes passed though, and I lost the evil-impluse, so I called her over, put her back on the leash and we went back home.
This weekend has been/will be fun. I'm going to a poetry reading tomorrow.
I think Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are good blog days for me.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
"Today" & Gym Class
Sooooooo to start off, how about a poem? I wrote it a while ago, after I had a bad day. I read it in class for 15 extra credit points(what a steal) and personally, I like it a lot. You know how highschoolers are though... Approximately half of them are boneheads, so approximately half of them don't appreciate art at all and/or were asleep. If you're reading this though, you probably want to. I don't think we'll have the problem of you falling asleep here.
Today was worse!
Today doesn't know how to treat a woman.
Today didn't open the door for me,
Or tell me my hair looked nice.
It just kind of smirked once it was clear I was coming,
And in a vile utter told me that
Today will suck.
*spins wheel of random blog topics* Oh, hello.
What gets me through fitness(basically, the stupidest class ever):
Today was worse!
Today doesn't know how to treat a woman.
Today didn't open the door for me,
Or tell me my hair looked nice.
It just kind of smirked once it was clear I was coming,
And in a vile utter told me that
Today will suck.
*spins wheel of random blog topics* Oh, hello.
What gets me through fitness(basically, the stupidest class ever):
- Running behind a guy who has boxers with penguins and ice cream cones on them. I wanted to go to TCBY and laugh and give him a wedgie all at once but I just kept running.
- The teacher randomly screaming Spanish while we're doing embarassing things such as hula hooping slapdash, and "squat turns" and all but two students knowing what he means. The hispanic kid I was hula hooping with translated and turns out coach was yelling, "WITH HEART!!!" Cute, but honestly, a little odd.
- Playing hockey. It's the only sport in there I don't fully fail at... And because of that, I get included. Kind of. (If you're reading this and in my gym class, you're probably thinking, "What? The puck was supposed to go to him, not you..." Shut up, I need to at least feel like I'm in the limelight in gym every once in a while...)
- Watching people I don't like limp. They deserve it.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Me: Wut shud I bl0g ab0ut 2nit3?
Fudgebum: Nose peircing
Me: Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh not tonight. G0t an0ther? I need 2 sh0wr...
Fudgebum: Uhm, relationships.
Me: Yuck!!!!!!!!111
Fudgebum: Exactly. Share your feelings on the matter.
Fudgebum, what a genius you are! (And I only sometimes text that obnoxiously.)
But srsly, relationships just aren't all that appealing to me. I kind of took the idea for a test drive this year, and I crashed the car. And totaled it. And my airbag didn't work.
So I'll just stay single forever okay? Reasons why:
Fudgebum: Nose peircing
Me: Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh not tonight. G0t an0ther? I need 2 sh0wr...
Fudgebum: Uhm, relationships.
Me: Yuck!!!!!!!!111
Fudgebum: Exactly. Share your feelings on the matter.
Fudgebum, what a genius you are! (And I only sometimes text that obnoxiously.)
But srsly, relationships just aren't all that appealing to me. I kind of took the idea for a test drive this year, and I crashed the car. And totaled it. And my airbag didn't work.
So I'll just stay single forever okay? Reasons why:
- Relationships require commitment. This makes me seem like a lazy loner, but that's kind of true, so think whatever you want. But anyways, if you know me, you know I just can't stick with one thing for too long without getting distracted or mislead or just out of it. What's an animal that gets a new mate like every year? Maybe I should just do that.
- WHO SAID BOYS WERE ALL THAT APPEALING TO ME ANYWAYS? Or, while we're still on the subject, girls. I'm... Introsexual. Attracted to myself? Or... How about just nonsexual. That's sufficent.
- One day I was daydreaming like a silly teenager girl does and I was thinking of all the things I wanted in a boyfriend... And they just happened to be all the things I already got with my friends and family. You're probably like, EWWWWW, but I don't like lovey-dovey crud! Or touchy-feeling! I like baking cakes and reading magazines and going on walks.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
When I Have My Own Place
Assuming I'm not a bum who wakes up at 3 in the afternoon, uses air freshener instead of cleaning and lives in my mom's basement at 35 years old, when I do have my own place, it will be the greatest ever.
I'm pretty darn cheap, and I most likely won't be loaded anyways, so the majority of my furniture will probably be randoms from assorted family member's garages and vintage junk I can get my hands on from flea markets. In other words, nothing is going to match- but in a very artsy, avant garde way.
There's going to be a mirror in probably every room. Not because I enjoy looking at my own reflection, but because in my current house, when I do need to use a mirror, I find myself scampering off to a sometimes already occupied bathroom, or the slightly reflective microwave door... And they're just an excuse for more decor, so woohoo!
If I can paint the walls they'll easily be a nice, soft, dull color like eggshell or light grey or tan or I'll just stay with white. I've been haunted by green and yellow(pea and pee, haha!) walls, and if you know me, you know I'm not exactly a POPPING color kind of girl anyways.
I'm only going to have one TV(if any), a whole wall lined with bookshelves(ideal and classy, bonus points!), at least two cats, and hand lotion next to the sink in the bathroom. I'm not really a big fan of indoor plants, and my cats would eat them anyways! Unless I get that creepy cat grass that you can grow on your kitchen counter....
So if there's one thing I'm looking forward to for when I move out, it's decorating my own place :)
Thanks for reading!
P.S. I added a few new obscure, indie songs to my playlist, they're at the top, so feast your ears if you please.
I'm pretty darn cheap, and I most likely won't be loaded anyways, so the majority of my furniture will probably be randoms from assorted family member's garages and vintage junk I can get my hands on from flea markets. In other words, nothing is going to match- but in a very artsy, avant garde way.
There's going to be a mirror in probably every room. Not because I enjoy looking at my own reflection, but because in my current house, when I do need to use a mirror, I find myself scampering off to a sometimes already occupied bathroom, or the slightly reflective microwave door... And they're just an excuse for more decor, so woohoo!
If I can paint the walls they'll easily be a nice, soft, dull color like eggshell or light grey or tan or I'll just stay with white. I've been haunted by green and yellow(pea and pee, haha!) walls, and if you know me, you know I'm not exactly a POPPING color kind of girl anyways.
I'm only going to have one TV(if any), a whole wall lined with bookshelves(ideal and classy, bonus points!), at least two cats, and hand lotion next to the sink in the bathroom. I'm not really a big fan of indoor plants, and my cats would eat them anyways! Unless I get that creepy cat grass that you can grow on your kitchen counter....
So if there's one thing I'm looking forward to for when I move out, it's decorating my own place :)
Thanks for reading!
P.S. I added a few new obscure, indie songs to my playlist, they're at the top, so feast your ears if you please.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Okay sooo, pie. (?)
Pumpkin pie likes to scream "THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING PILGRIMS AND INDIANS YAAAY" whenever you see it. It's cool that it has its own holiday to be associated with, but I kind of got sick of it, and didn't eat any in 2010. I feel bad and very un-American, trust me. Orange is a weird color for food anyways.
Apple pie is good I guess. Whenever I turn to dessert it's usually because I want to get away from all healthy things. So when I get a nice big slice of apple on my fork, I freak. I'm going to be an obese adult probably.
"Aunt Sharon's peach pie" is the most delightful thing to eat. You won't really get this unless you've eaten it, so I suggest you get a bite sometime in your lifetime.
Whenever I eat cherry pie I feel like I should have braided pigtails and a teethy grin and my face covered in angel kiss freckles. It just seems appropriate. If you use those canned cherries to make cherry pie, the cherries are bleached, then dyed red. How strange, right?
Everytime we go to Red Lobster, my grandpa gets keylime pie. So it always reminds me of him. He likes to enjoy life and laugh with his hand on his stomach like a pregnant woman would. He enjoys life and never ever takes a moment for granted and wants to have a little farm in Kansas. Whenever he tells me about that I like to tell him I am only OK with it as long as if he gets horses too. So whenever I get the sweet, citrus-y tang of keylime, I think of him!
P.S. Happy hump day everyone!
Pumpkin pie likes to scream "THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING PILGRIMS AND INDIANS YAAAY" whenever you see it. It's cool that it has its own holiday to be associated with, but I kind of got sick of it, and didn't eat any in 2010. I feel bad and very un-American, trust me. Orange is a weird color for food anyways.
Apple pie is good I guess. Whenever I turn to dessert it's usually because I want to get away from all healthy things. So when I get a nice big slice of apple on my fork, I freak. I'm going to be an obese adult probably.
"Aunt Sharon's peach pie" is the most delightful thing to eat. You won't really get this unless you've eaten it, so I suggest you get a bite sometime in your lifetime.
Whenever I eat cherry pie I feel like I should have braided pigtails and a teethy grin and my face covered in angel kiss freckles. It just seems appropriate. If you use those canned cherries to make cherry pie, the cherries are bleached, then dyed red. How strange, right?
Everytime we go to Red Lobster, my grandpa gets keylime pie. So it always reminds me of him. He likes to enjoy life and laugh with his hand on his stomach like a pregnant woman would. He enjoys life and never ever takes a moment for granted and wants to have a little farm in Kansas. Whenever he tells me about that I like to tell him I am only OK with it as long as if he gets horses too. So whenever I get the sweet, citrus-y tang of keylime, I think of him!
P.S. Happy hump day everyone!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Today was weird!
Have you ever tried to give up or forget something that used to be a decent part of your life? Say, a bad habit, or a drug, or an ex-lover. And you spend so much time trying to erase every part of you that had anything to do with it. Days and weeks and even months devoted to the self-cleansing, the grinding teeth and clenched fists and grey sky mornings. There's going to come that joker day that you feel, "Hey, I think I'm over it." And sometimes that's true but sometimes you're just trying to fool yourself and laze out of the real work. Wishful thinking only gets you so far, my friend!
Some are lucky enough to get a blurred glimpse but most don't even know it's coming, and out of no where at a million miles an hour it will stream around the corner, smirking, only to give you an ample slap in the face that will sting like a bitch for probably hours on end.
And that's the lovely little segment you get of my day today. :3
Thanks for reading.
Have you ever tried to give up or forget something that used to be a decent part of your life? Say, a bad habit, or a drug, or an ex-lover. And you spend so much time trying to erase every part of you that had anything to do with it. Days and weeks and even months devoted to the self-cleansing, the grinding teeth and clenched fists and grey sky mornings. There's going to come that joker day that you feel, "Hey, I think I'm over it." And sometimes that's true but sometimes you're just trying to fool yourself and laze out of the real work. Wishful thinking only gets you so far, my friend!
Some are lucky enough to get a blurred glimpse but most don't even know it's coming, and out of no where at a million miles an hour it will stream around the corner, smirking, only to give you an ample slap in the face that will sting like a bitch for probably hours on end.
And that's the lovely little segment you get of my day today. :3
Thanks for reading.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I used to blog my face off, but it died down, and now I'm gonna try to get back into the swing.
I'll try to write at least once a week I guess. Don't expect anything more exciting than me ranting about geometry class or some poem I scribbled down before I went to bed.
I promise I'll spiff this all up later, with music and a buffet table and all that jazz, but as obscene as it sounds, the computer is about to poop on me, so good night, and come check back later!
I used to blog my face off, but it died down, and now I'm gonna try to get back into the swing.
I'll try to write at least once a week I guess. Don't expect anything more exciting than me ranting about geometry class or some poem I scribbled down before I went to bed.
I promise I'll spiff this all up later, with music and a buffet table and all that jazz, but as obscene as it sounds, the computer is about to poop on me, so good night, and come check back later!
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