Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nice Weekend

The weather has been really nice lately and it's kind of been throwing me off because earlier in the week it happened to snow overnight and after I walked just 4 blocks to the bus stop it looked like my a whale decided to use my legs as lollipops. (Weird comparison... But my feet were just really wet!)
Anyways, the weather has been really nice lately! Today I spared my parents and took my stupid dog to this huge field just outside the neighborhood, and let her off her leash so she can giddy-gallop around like the high-on-life puppy she is. Letting her run around, tiring herself out for 15 minutes is equivalent to a 30 minute walk(the kind of walk where the dog leads and the owner gets road rash and a broken arm). It's fabulous.
To the point, while she chased birds and dug holes, I laid on the pokey ground and it was, let me tell you, bliss bliss bliss. Only half of the grass is nice spring green so that makes the other half of it nasty winter litter which poked my bare face, feet, arms, but in the most sincere way. The sun and the ocean switched roles, I got waves of rays! I thought I would look like I just came back from Mexico when I got home but that's probably just because it was so warm.
If you ever want to get "closer to nature" just lay down outside(not the street though, please). I did and in an instant I was a worker ant and stole birdseed from front lawns. I was a blue black glossy beetle scampering over rocks, a sinister spider knitting handsome graves in the fingers of bushes.
I looked up and my dog was on point at a robin. I watched as she stalked, 5 minutes at least. I maliciously, silently prayed to all the gods of spite and adventure and eventfulness that the bird would cluelessly turn around so my dog could pounce. Probably 5 more minutes passed though, and I lost the evil-impluse, so I called her over, put her back on the leash and we went back home.

This weekend has been/will be fun. I'm going to a poetry reading tomorrow.
I think Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are good blog days for me.

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