Next week I'm hoping to do the same sort of thing but switching the gender view, so look forward to that ;) I'm wanting to do more of this style of blogging, how-to's and adivce... Offering more than just entertainment, ya know?
"Taylor STFU and get to it!"
Okay okay!
- MAKE HER LAUGH - This was a very popular response among the girls, and I completely agree with it! Most everybody likes to laugh, so why not YOU be the one to make her crack up? Get to know her style of humor and make a joke any appropriate opportunity you get. It's also okay though if not every one of your quirks makes her giggle, she'll still appreciate the thought and effort you put into her. (That's what she said.)
- BE HONEST - No girl wants to be lied to. Don't try to make yourself up to be something you can't live up to(I know sometimes there can be a lot of pressure from yourself to do this, but for motivation NOT to lie, imagine the awkward moment when she finds out you can't swim, can braid hair, and spend all your after-school hours at the library, not the football field. That kind of stuff is cute anyways.) If you need to tell her something, say it. Don't sugar coat it, don't put it off, don't forget about it... Girls like to know stuff! And they like to know it's true too! Don't let a lie ruin her view on you.
- MAKE HER FEEL SPECIAL - I'm not saying drop your everything just to make her happy, but let her know you mean something to her. "You're beautiful" and favorite flowers win plenty of pie points in this area, but really just any compliment or gift will make you worthy of being given at least a chance.
- RESPECT HER - Everyone likes a gentleman. Open the door for her, no burping contents unless she proposes them, and always pay the bill. (EXCEPT FOR SADIE HAWKINS. THAT IS THE POINT OF SADIE HAWKINS.) Generally just use tasteful manners and treat her with the greatest of courtesy, the same of which you'd treat your own mother.
- MAINTAIN GOOD HYGIENE - You have all sat next to the hefty kid in class who obviously only showers once a month, has talons for fingernails and could fix a nice batch of french fries with all the grease in his hair. But you've never wondered why he doesn't have a girlfriend. You don't need to look like you just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad, but you do need to look like you give a crap about your image. All I'm asking is that you take a mere 10 minutes of out of your routine to make sure your clothes are clean, nails are trimmed, and hair looks nice. Thank you.
- BE OVERWHELMINGLY PHYSICAL - That's just weird, especially if you're not close yet. Hugs are cute but watch for signs that she doesn't really want one. I don't like those creepy upperclassmen guys who ask for excuses to touch all the pretty freshmen girls. Ick.
- BE AWKWARD - It's truly only awkward if you make it so. If you're not totally chill, fake it until it actually is.
- GO FOR HER FRIENDS - One of the biggest tool moves you can make as a guy. Just stick to one target. It's also confusing and bothersome when you flirt with all the girls in one group.
- A girl's heart is a fragile thing. Don't toss it around like a football; a fumble will cost you.
- Her ears can be like a recording machine. Don't speak in code or use obscure metaphors, unless she's into that kinda thing, for when a girl is upset, she'll analyze everything. Any stupid move you make will be forever pasted to the walls of her brain and don't doubt that any dumb thing you say will be used against you later in an argument.
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