Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm... Bald

Friday I did the craziest thing.Long, thick, split-ended, wavy, heavy, high-maintainence hair GONE!
Not all gone, but 13 inches of it.

Here's me before:

My best friend held my hand for support. I think she was more worked up than I was.

Then before I could put anything more into perspective, it was in pigtails and being chopped off.

I wanted to cry right then.

My hair is my secuiruty blanket. It's what I hide behind and play with when I'm nervous. It's what I pull at and cover my face with.
I don't have it anymore! It's in a padded envelope on its way to Florida. I FEEL NAKED. It's like I got a limb chopped off.
I'm still coming to terms with it.

& I donated it all to Locks of Love, this will be my third time donating.
So it all goes to a good cause, but now I'm kind of sad.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I can't ever think of titles I'm sorry

So school sucks and especially high school.
At 14 you're thrown into the jungle- this whole novel lifestyle that you've only seen on the screens.
And it's who you're with. It's who you're not with.. It's your hair. It's your makeup. It's what you wear. And don't you dare dig into your middle school wardrobe because all you've got is that passing millisecond in the hall to make your impression. Where this impression goes, I don't know..
Too much eyeliner- whore. Short hair- lesbian. Blasting music- punk. Flipflops- gay. Sagging pants- punk. So-much-cleavage-I-can-basically-see-your-nipples- desperate. All black- goth. Jersey- jock. Cheerleading uniform- prep. You know what glasses I'm talking about- hipster.

Sigh. I literally did just walk thru the hall in my most angry, judgemental, bitchy disposition, labeled every innocent I saw, and recorded it. I feel really bad thinking about it so hard, but it's kind of... What we do.
I don't exactly know how this started and why we do it, but that how our little adolescent thought process has been wired.
Highschool is scary! We're all catty little things, and you're never safe from a label. And I don't think that's ever going to change. But you know what can change?
YOUR ATTITUDE! :D *convert every insult into complement*
Taylor, oh god, optimism...

No... But, I'm just saying it's your decision to give a damn about what a stranger thinks of you.
Like, I'll choose not to care about whether you think my cargo pants make me look twelve, or that you think I'm gay because I hold my friends' hands,
or that you think I'm a dork because I'm in orchestra(hahaha wellll....)...
...because *I* know what kind of person I am, and I'm proud of it. So why should I let some exterior opinion tamper with that?

Sunday, November 13, 2011


My brothers and I think about the dumbest things. I'm only saying dumb because that's what those with higher maturity levels might say, except for it's not dumb to us, it's what we think about.

Last night the topic was variations of fart noises. Instead of that unpleasant, well-known passing gas sound, out comes a positive intergection voiced in a super high-pitch:
"Gee whiz!"
Farting in class just got way less embarrassing. Or more. Where ever you and your sophistication stand.

We also think it'd be great if our cats wore clothes. I know this is gonna be a lot more interesting if you have a better visual, but I do not have pictures handy of them. Luckily, Tyce looks like Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Molly looks basically like a ferret.

Tyce is really really fat, but he's been losing weight because we've been starving him like the excellent owners we are. My dad calls it a "diet" when it's really just letting Molly get primary dibs, but she only eats like 3 pieces, so Tyce is still pretty fat.  Anyways, he'd probably be wearing sweat pants and a stained under shirt(stained from what, I don't know), and Molly would probably be wearing some cute flowy, floral dress. Then when we're having company over we yell at the cats to "put on something nice", so Tyce goes and grabs his Hollister polo, and Molly puts on a bonnet. I'm not sure how the bonnet is relevant to anything but I just think it'd be cute.

Also, our cats are very talkative. But we wished our cats could sing. My text can't really do it any justice, but Tyce's meow would be very low and opera-y and go something like:
Cowardly-lion style.

That's all the rambles for tonight. I promise to be more textually-active. I might break that promise... But if you send me a lot of annoying reminders I might not.

Oh and here's some pictures of me and my brothers:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

So-So Sixteen

Welcome, October.
"Octo" is the latin root for eight, obvi, but, history lesson of the day, January and February were added to the calendar after October was named, so now the Romans just look dumb. Whoops.
My birthday is this month and I'm turning sixteen and I don't really care. Usually I count down the days, and then hours, and wake up anticipating a new segment in my spine or longer hair or the ability to feel the pea under my mattress, but usually, I wake up feeling the same. Well, always I wake up feeling the same. Anyways, this year I could care less, because I've met the bitter realization that none of those things actually happen. Because when you do have a birthday, and it's not a significant one(18 and 21 are significant [I don't get my license until February] ... right?) only a few things are going to change:

  • When your far-off relatives who don't care actually about you come to visit they tend to ask the same, general questions, to which I can answer with nothing even slightly impressive: 1. Do you have a boyfriend? Noooo. 2. What sports are you in? Sports? Have you seen me? 3. How old are you now? 16. I'm 16. Last year I said 15 and the year before I said 14 and now I'm saying 16. And I'm somehow still the same person.
  • When your parents lecture you, odds are they bring up your age. But it's always in their favor. "No you can't go to that concert, you're only 16!" "No I won't pay for that, you're almost 17!" Each year it ups one. Each year it's just a different number that gets waved back and forth in front of your nose.
  • There's one more candle on your cake. It's all just numbers.

You poor little thing.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Evil Teacher

One of my teachers is evil I think. After hours I'm sure he dwells in the aphotic school basement, slashing red scars on all our well-worked assignments, lacing and unlacing his dress shoes, while feeding on gasping, overgrown rats he heartily raised himself. And when it comes time to rest, he laces up his shoes one last time, only to drop himself into the round, seemly grave in the muddy ground he conjured himself, taping his eyelids closed and forcing sleep.
Okay I just made him seem like an enormous, lonesome creep, versus the baneful, high school Hilter I was originally going for... But, you never know- Maybe he annually bribes the district with treasures and rat pastries, usually just ending in brain-washing, to grant him just one more year of the glossy privilege to continue enlightening us florescent adolescents.
But let's go with this: familiar with Mr.Ratburn from Arthur? And Red from That 70's Show? Well those two charming characters got together and somehow produced the result that is my teacher.
You know how most teachers are always like, I want you to strive and succeed and get good grades and be happy and good and good and good. Their intentions are positive and benevolent and pretty and give you hope.
Yeah I swear tho, this guy's goal is for us all to fail. He'll make sure that if you don't pass that 10 point quiz, YOU WON'T GO TO COLLEGE. And I never exaggerate. You know that!
He's also one of those teachers that just says "Do it." as opposed to explaining how it's done, then letting you out into the field. Yesterday, my lab partner and I sat at our table looking like idiots with a microscope, 4 slides and probably 10 packets. The entire class was doing the same thing! The directions he gives us are shitty and his attitude is shitty and the whole class is just a big shit-fest and the guy doesn't even give a shit.
He gives me a ridiculous amount of failing grades and I probably do deserve them all, but I'm an angst-infested teenager so I like to blame my problems on other people.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I have a problem with staring at people. Well I think a lot of people like to stare, or "look at a certain subject intently", but a few of us are better at controlling the urge than others. Some people are just too good looking or too weird looking or just too human and I can't help but dissect them with my eyeballs.
And then they sense your eye rape and turn to you and you're going to either:
  1. What what what what darting eyes I'm looking at the American flag I'm looking at the inspirational poster I'm looking at the clock oh look it's 10:33 how interesting :)
  2. Lolwut? Continue notes on Roman Empire..
  3. Ohhey. Casual masculine nod.
Anything to not make it any more awk than it already is. But some weirdos are like "stop staring at me why are you staring at me do you like me oh my gosh you like me wanna date me?"
And, I might just be the only one who goes to such extent of over-analyzing shit like that, but it probably does me mentally good to have myself believe that whether it's true or no, I'm not the only one. Right?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Across the Room

In what’s probably my least favorite class, I was blessed with getting to sit right next to my favorite girl- and what a delight this is! OF COURSE, grey yesterday, me loca profesora thought it best to move me across the room, which really might as well have just been across the ocean- but thank goodness for ammatuer sign language I guess...
Anyways, now I routinely slouch next to Barbie. Her jeans are super tight, her hair is super voluminous, and she likes to twirl her gum around her finger while it's still in her mouth. Adorable. The young lady who switched seats with me is one of those cute girls who wears a lot of bracelets and calls them "candy". She just sits there, dragging a pencil across white or whatever to copy answers with a sad hand and ridiculously sulky posture. Sometimes we make eye contact and she actually pouts, complete with bottom lip stuck out. Taylor, you bitch, you took my seat! But baby, I'm not too pleased either.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wide Feet

Tonight is a night where I don't really have all the much physical energy, but I have plenty of brain power, and it'd seem like the perfect thing to stay up until 3 watching tele and painting my toenails and forgetting everything and petting my cat and talking to my cat and just being sad, but in a happy sad way. And I woudn't have to worry about anything. That I might get nail polish on my blanket. That I might be a zombie tomorrow and forget how to keep my eyes open and fail all my quizes. That I don't have a date to homecoming, even though I'd kinda like one, and I have had a secret crush in the back of my brain and the bottom of my feet and the tips of my fingers on a super handsome boy since I even started highschool, and even though there is a negative chance of him ever doing anything with me even semi-date-like, I still like to think he might ask me. But I won't even have to worry about that. And I won't have to worry about what I wear tomorrow, because no one even cares anyways. We all know I'm just gonna wear the same baggy skinny jeans that I have 4 pairs of, but all in different shades of blue, that I wear, everyday. And I'm gonna wear some shirt that is too big for me, and has a lot of holes in it because I suck at longboarding, but I'm just gonna cover it up with a scarf my great grandma wore when she was 25 and hot, or a hoodie covered in cat and dog fur. Then even though I have a ton of perfectly good shoes, I always slip on my black stupid Toms that aren't even that cool. I don't know why I even spent 40 delicious dollars on them, when I could have bought 39 Arizona green teas, or a nice bike helmet, or two phone chargers, or a fancy scientific calculator. I think I spent that much money because I wanted to be cool, and I wanted people to like me because of what I was covering my smelly, peeling feet with. Except for $40 isn't gonna buy me any popularity, $1000 isn't even going to buy me popularity. I kinda stopped caring how much money is going to buy me popularity. My feet are too wide to be popular anyways, my Toms are literally bursting at the seams on the sides. How hip.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Boredom Fixers

Step 1: Go to a craft store, Walmart, Target, ect

Step 2: Invest in some plain undershirts. We've been getting men's white v-neck t-shirts because they're cheap, but you get whatever you want.

Step 3: Invest in some fabric paint.

Step 4: Buy that shit.

Step 5: Get creative.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Yesterday a cop evidently followed me, from his post, into the library, paced back and forth a few feet away from me while I browsed the poetry section for like half an hour, then followed me out.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

HOW TO win a girl's heart

Over the past few days I've been questioning a generous collection of young women, our conversations all revolving around what a guy can be, say and do in order to "win their heart". I got some very interesting replies and I'm hoping, despite your sexual preferences, everyone can enjoy and possibly even put to use, the content in this entry.
Next week I'm hoping to do the same sort of thing but switching the gender view, so look forward to that ;) I'm wanting to do more of this style of blogging, how-to's and adivce... Offering more than just entertainment, ya know?
"Taylor STFU and get to it!"
Okay okay!


  • MAKE HER LAUGH - This was a very popular response among the girls, and I completely agree with it! Most everybody likes to laugh, so why not YOU be the one to make her crack up? Get to know her style of humor and make a joke any appropriate opportunity you get. It's also okay though if not every one of your quirks makes her giggle, she'll still appreciate the thought and effort you put into her. (That's what she said.)
  • BE HONEST - No girl wants to be lied to. Don't try to make yourself up to be something you can't live up to(I know sometimes there can be a lot of pressure from yourself to do this, but for motivation NOT to lie, imagine the awkward moment when she finds out you can't swim, can braid hair, and spend all your after-school hours at the library, not the football field. That kind of stuff is cute anyways.) If you need to tell her something, say it. Don't sugar coat it, don't put it off, don't forget about it... Girls like to know stuff! And they like to know it's true too! Don't let a lie ruin her view on you.
  • MAKE HER FEEL SPECIAL - I'm not saying drop your everything just to make her happy, but let her know you mean something to her. "You're beautiful" and favorite flowers win plenty of pie points in this area, but really just any compliment or gift will make you worthy of being given at least a chance.
  • RESPECT HER - Everyone likes a gentleman. Open the door for her, no burping contents unless she proposes them, and always pay the bill. (EXCEPT FOR SADIE HAWKINS. THAT IS THE POINT OF SADIE HAWKINS.) Generally just use tasteful manners and treat her with the greatest of courtesy, the same of which you'd treat your own mother.
  • MAINTAIN GOOD HYGIENE - You have all sat next to the hefty kid in class who obviously only showers once a month, has talons for fingernails and could fix a nice batch of french fries with all the grease in his hair. But you've never wondered why he doesn't have a girlfriend. You don't need to look like you just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad, but you do need to look like you give a crap about your image. All I'm asking is that you take a mere 10 minutes of out of your routine to make sure your clothes are clean, nails are trimmed, and hair looks nice. Thank you.
  • BE OVERWHELMINGLY PHYSICAL - That's just weird, especially if you're not close yet. Hugs are cute but watch for signs that she doesn't really want one. I don't like those creepy upperclassmen guys who ask for excuses to touch all the pretty freshmen girls. Ick.
  • BE AWKWARD - It's truly only awkward if you make it so. If you're not totally chill, fake it until it actually is.
  • GO FOR HER FRIENDS - One of the biggest tool moves you can make as a guy. Just stick to one target. It's also confusing and bothersome when you flirt with all the girls in one group.
  • A girl's heart is a fragile thing. Don't toss it around like a football; a fumble will cost you.
  • Her ears can be like a recording machine. Don't speak in code or use obscure metaphors, unless she's into that kinda thing, for when a girl is upset, she'll analyze everything. Any stupid move you make will be forever pasted to the walls of her brain and don't doubt that any dumb thing you say will be used against you later in an argument.
Haha now go get your girl.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sidebar Updates

  • View counter. Yeah thanks ya jerks for making it so inaccurate. I'm kidding, I love numbers. But yeah it counts every view, we all knew if it counted unique views it'd be screaming "4".
  • My playlist, nothing new. Well, there's new songs all the time but I've heard it can startle/agitate people when it finishes loading in the middle of your reading and it blasts some obscure indie rock song. Sorry about that.
  • I never know what to talk about so you can e-mail me and question or topic to talk about and I'd maybe be happy-bright-sunny to talk about it. Unless you tell me otherwise you'll be anonymous, so you can ask me for advice about your love life and stuff. You know you're going to get some smart-ass anwser though so maybe just stick to the random, interesting topics that people will want to read about.
  • Yeah now you don't have to have a Blogger/Gmail account to follow me! Just enter in your e-mail address and you'll get an update whenever I post new junk.
  • Share me on Facebook? I know plenty of people do but they don't use that little button... This way it's pretty quick though and again, you all know I love numbers.
  • The poll... You know it's all completely random and purely for the purpose of our entertainment haha.
  • Then there's my About Me(nothing new but feel free to read that), my blog archives, a lovely little button entitled "Follow", and a list of all my followers. Good people.
I think I'm gonna start doing "tips" posts... Look out for that.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


1. Amy Schumer
One of my favorite comedians.

She's so cute.

2. Chocolate Milk
Whenever I can't sleep in the middle of the night I pull myself into the kitchen, grope around the fridge for the two vitals and weave together those bad boys to make me a lovely little mini meal.

3. True Jackson VP
YES, I DO watch Nickelodian, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel ect...
I get picky about my kid shows though because the majority of them suck! It's not cool when 13 year olds are saying "sexy", "boobs" and "bra" on the tele for everyone 3 and up to hear. If it were up to me people wouldn't even know what sex was until they at least had a face full of zits.
Anyhow, True Jackson is probkies my fave show that targets a younger audience. The jokes are genuinely comical(not to mention tasteful), the cast is adorable and the main character(True) is actually an awesome role model for young girls. Make that all people really. She's the vice president of a huge fashion magazine who has a lot to manage, but at the end of the day she's just a normal teenage girl who has her quirky sense of humor and friends to help her through everything.
Haha listen to me, I'm a Hallmark card!
No but really this show is fabulous.

4. When my cat sleeps in the sink
So &%*#!?@ adorable!

5. Watching the clouds
I'm really not a fan of the weather lately. For those of you who don't live here, it's hot. Those of you who do live here think I'm just bitching and that it's summer anyways.
Let's not turn this into a rant though...
So when my parents, in their Charlie-Brown-adult-style, nag me to go get some "fresh air" (can't I just open a window?) I like to find a nice shadowed location, get cozy in the grass and watch the clouds.
Summer hasn't raped me of all my school year learnings(YET) and I can somewhat identify the types of sky cotton.
I feel like I'm on Rugrats but I look for shapes in the clouds. The cumulus clouds(do I get extra credit?) are primo for this.
It's the best watching clouds with a partner. It's neat when you both say you see Jim Carrey bowling with milk jugs then point to the same cloud. It's kinda neater to see how each person interprets the shape of a cloud though.
Basically it's the outdoor version of being a couch potato! :)

Haha wear your helmets and seat belts.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Would it hurt if I lit it on fire?

Summer in itself is a good inspiration.

The birds tweet
Like it's nothing
Candid gossip
Splitting sweet
Pity bramble
Call the kids in
Muzzled music
Filthy feet
Dirt uncloaked
Nitwits fly
At the high
Tropics beckon
Fresh provoked
Water's leveled
Fire's stoked

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer and Stuff

My yesterday was fun. I spent it all with my best friend. I'm thinking, just the beginning of a beautiful summer break.

And no, no, we totally didn't jump in the river if that's what you were thinking.
Haha I hope everyone's having a nice summer :3

Monday, May 30, 2011


Maybe I should even out the raves and rants?

1. Raining with the sun out


2. Drag Me to Hell

Yes, the main character is a beast, the acting is genuine for the most part and the idea of hell excites us all. But personally, I found the effects all very excessive, to the point of being obnoxious. It was as if the writers said, "Well... We can make a pretty legit bloody nose, why don't we make it emit throughout the whole office?" Yeah, fun scene.
The main character was unfazed by half the things that happened to her. Old lady's arm being shoved down her throat, being insulted by a talking goat, and being pinned by a corpse.
I dunno, it just kinda sucked.

3. Being woken at inconvenient times
My family looooooooooves to do this to me.
Can I at least have time to wipe the drool off my face and become aware that I have a nap hangover?
Sorry I'm not this eager about my day.

4. Birds vocalizing. Early.
Oh, you guys are so pretty. Your singing, nature's music...

Not at 3AM :(

5. Malfunctional Trampoline

Maybe we'll get around to putting it back together, but probably not.

Hey, 2nd week of summer. Accomplishments? None.
I really wanna write a book.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Six-Word Memoirs

I've kind of been super into "six-word memoirs" lately. In the last weeks of school I discovered this book in the library, fell in love, then was informed it was too close to the end of the year to check out books. I'm dumb.

Yesterday I checked out the original six-word memoir book from the public library and fell in love all over again.

The fact that people are telling entire stories within just half a dozen words is amazing, and pretty inspiring.
I'm a little bit obsessed now. I got my brothers into it too, and the majority of last night's dinner was conversed using six word statements. I bet our parents hated that.
Of course I had to write some of my own. In actual seriousness though, not: "Pass the tartar sauce, just kidding." or "Bad social skills. Maybe just hygiene."

There's a website for all this junk. You can read other people's memoirs, and submit your own.
I like this type of writing because of how minimal it is. You've got only a handful of words to tell a whole story. You've got a limit but the possibilities don't end. There's plenty of freedom in it. It also makes you contemplate the meaning, and maybe even debate. I think English teachers should bring this book into classrooms. One of my favorite from the book I've read so far is "Made a mess. Cleaned it up." - Amy Anderson. It seems so cinched, maybe even silly, and I suppose that could be the voice Amy Anderson was trying to portray, but dig in! How symbolic this could be! I'll let you do the thinking.

I've written a few of my own but this is the one I like best. I'll probably share more later.

Always tomorrow. And tomorrow's tomorrow too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cleavage and Summer

Yeah for some reason, my blog popped up as a subject at the dinner table today. The word "buttcrack" got repeated excessively. (I really should have given more thought to the same. I just brought amounts of ridiculous teasing unto myself. Of course my family pokes fun the most.)

Dad: What was it a choice between? Wednesday Butt Crack and Thursday Cleavage?"
Brother: WHAT'S A CLEAVAGE!!!??!!?!?!?!!11

Haha, cool, Dad. We'll let you take this one. The dinner table is such an interesting place.
On a more casual note, summer started. I'm sad to let school go. I'll miss peeling my unconscious body out of my heaven-of-a-bed before 6AM, hauling a boulder on my back everywhere I go, and pretending like nacho cheese on rubber-y rubber cylinders is food.

I don't really feel like talking anymore. Have a nice summer and stuff.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yearbooks and stuff

So tomorrow is the last day of school I guess. In a matter of hours I will be considered a, *gulp*, sophomore. Oh, such a dirty word. I guess I have 9/10 of summer to get used to the idea though.
Like 6 people signed my yearbook.
I don't really like yearbook signing. I mean, I like feeling like a celebrity, swirling my name onto glossy paper and adding my awkward message to go with...
And some people just suck at the messages.
There's a few kind of yearbook signers:

1. Strictly name
Seriously? o.O Why don't I just trace over that with White-Out, it'd be so much more meaningful to me.
And sometimes they like to be the tool who, after they write it, puts the cap back on their pen, turns to you, dramatically closes their eyes and says,
"That will be worth a lot of money one day."
Oh, okay. I'll laminate it or something when I get home.

2. Name + summer wish
It's even worse when they shorten "have a good summer" to "hags".
Talk about unattractive words!

3. Inside joke + nickname

4. Irrelevant scribbles
Makes you wanna say,
"Why did I even ask you to sign..."

5. Cute, heartfelt, page long message that make you cry, laugh, and miss the person already
I'm too tired to make up a Harry Potter example for that right now, but you know one of those messages when you see one.

Well, everyone, have a nice summer.
Make your yearbook signs tasteful and fun to read...

And I hate those crap-awful, stupid, &%$#@, automatic flushing toilets. I won't be missing those over the summer.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Celebrity Crushes

We've all got some celebrity crushes.

Seth Meyers

He's attractive and comical. What more do you want?

Rupert Grint

(Numerous random, useless facts I know about Rupert, la la la)
British accent, talented, ginger, a Weasley... Let's get married?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Hahahahahahaha. <3

Logan Henderson

You may know him as Logan Mitchell from Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush, most handsome guy on the show(not Kendall, mind you!), and... Yeah he's just my favorite.

(Gay for a day pick)
Mia Wasikowska

She's Australian, classy and adorable. The whole package, baby.


1. How Stoked People Get When It Rains
Everyone gets so excited when it rains. Mostly girls. And especially where we live. They think this is what happens.
That's cute. Yay, running around barefoot with a rainbow umbrella and jumping in puddles.
That happens like once during the summer. If you did that now right now(it's raining) you'd just get a runny nose and a stubbed toe and ringworm. Oh.

2. "Rape" Used As Weird, Disturbing Slang
First of all, yuck.
Use another word! Rock, boss, champ... go crazy and use "kill"!
Second of all, rape isn't a casual word to use just anytime. It's not for talking about your science grade or your performance in a soccer game. It's actually a very serious matter, as opposed to some stupid highschooler's beliefs.
What if someone really did get raped last night, then heard you say that, and was like,

3. Happy Hangovers
Not hangovers that are happy, but hangovers because of happiness. Ya know?

4. Coloring In Highschool
Sue me, but it's not very educational.
Don't get me wrong, I loooooove to color! But I learned nothing from this. You could have easily showed me the same picture in the textbook.

And we got a grade for this.

5. The Jerks You Tear Off The Side Of Pieces Of Paper

Enjoy your day and stuff.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

How come it took me 15 years being here, just being a menacing misfit, to realize this?
Every mother is a hero! All mothers deserve to be a queen!
How many years ago, did our mother's advance us out into the world as a sad, ugly wreck from her you-know-what, and only because she was a mother, decided she wanted us. She eyed us with love, the object that will only give her more hell and trouble than she ever thought could be, but she accepts the challenge because she's strong and she's a mom and... That's what moms do!
Kids... Are we even worth it? I guess we're only something a mother can appreciate. I think only a mother can forgive our greatest faults. And still love us for us!
We are always in debt to our mother's. And all the handprints in stone and gold jewelry and flowers and  brunches in the world will ever equal her love.
Ugh, I can't even explain how amazed and thankful and grateful I am of everything mine and every other mother has done and did for her children.

I guess I'll just let Rugrats say the rest.
Happy Mother's day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Be Nice

So ya know when you pass someone in the hallway or grocery store isle or on the sidewalk, and eye contact sparks the standard, white bread conversation between strangers or acquantices?

How are you?
Good, and you?
I like your shirt!
Thanks, see ya around!

And that's just the default thing to do and say.
What if every time we said "hi" to someone, we were just honest, without thinking about it, and told them how we really were.

How are you?
Well, I just got done sobbing my eyes out in the bathroom, my boyfriend of 6 months just dumped me, and I'm failing 3 classes. I'm a mess. And you?
Eh, got beat up on the way to school, they took my car keys, and I have to run the mile today. Sockless. Could be worse.
I guess.
See ya around.

Sure, that was refreshing, but WOW, that was awkward!

The point I was originally going to make, was that your best bet is to be nice to everyone. I'm not getting all, HAPPY PEACE LOVE LAUGH YAY, but srsly. You don't know what's going on in anyone's life but your's. You don't know if the girl you sit next to in 3rd period has a sick parent, or a dead parent, or no parents. Or if your science partner has cancer, or depression, or is homeless. Just some examples. Because to some of us, those are pretty far off scenarios, but unfortunately, they're real. People go through a lot of shit, and not one of them deserves it. Don't be a tool and pile on more.

Moral of the story: BE NICE. Sometimes it will get you places.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

~Plato, Greek author &  philosopher

Wow I look crazed. -_- And I'm missing teeth. Haha, but cool shirt, no?
Happy Wednesday.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today I was told I only blog about things I don't like, which is pretty true, so here's the exact opposite.

1. Sharpened Pencils
Sharp enough to draw blood.

Haha what? Who said that?
A few days ago I was writing and my pencil kept getting dull and I was like,
Hahaha, Taylor, meet the mechanical pencil.

2. Daisies

They're a flower that's always smiling.
A boy got me some daisies once. That was nice of him.

3. Scruff

Rob Pat always has it down pretty good.

4. My Midget Thumbs

Haterz gonna hate, but you know they're the cutest thing in the world.
And don't make fun, the tips were cut off when I was a baby!
Loljk they're just "special".

5. Little Kids

They get away with anything.

So um, see ya later and stuff.